

Translation is more than just looking up the corresponding word in another language. Every piece of text—every word!—has unique challenges and requirements when it comes to translation. Finding the perfect word for a particular context is a true skill, because it depends—among other things—on the type of text, the target audience, prior translations, and sentence context. Store texts, UI and other on-screen texts, lore, dialogue, marketing copy—every type of text has its own stylistic requirements that need to be taken into account during translation. Whether you’ve written a text to explain a mechanic to players, to surprise them, to inspire awe, to evoke fear, joy, or sadness: I will ensure that the German translation does exactly the same thing.


Editing and proofreading are two different steps in the localization process that (unfortunately) are very often conflated in game localization. Together, they make the difference between a good translation and a great translation. A good editor/proofreader is worth their weight in gold. Editing entails perfecting the style, fluency, and consistency of a translation and making sure that it fulfills the brief. Proofreading is more than just ensuring that all i’s are dotted and all t’s are crossed: grammar, spelling, and formatting also need to be checked. In nautical terms: editing is checking that the right cargo is on board and perfectly arranged, while proofreading is checking that no crate is upside-down, that the rigging is in tip-top shape, and that all decks have been scrubbed. I work with multiple excellent editors and proofreaders and offer the full package of translation + editing. If you need a text edited or proofread in another language (e.g., French, Spanish, or Russian), I can also point you in the right direction.


If you’re preparing for a long voyage across the seas, planning ahead is essential. Otherwise, you run the risk of realizing in the middle of the ocean that you forgot to pack a map. Localization can be a daunting process with lots of unknowns. I have many voyages under my belt, so I can tell you exactly what you need to do to stay clear of Scylla and Charybdis and how you can identify a siren’s call. I’m always more than happy to answer any questions regarding the localization process, suitable timelines, fees, etc.